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REUTS Signs J.M. Frey in Three Book Deal

 A great book should leave you with many experiences,
and slightly exhausted at the end. You live several lives while reading.
{William Styron}

Good news abounds this #PressReleaseThursday! Can you believe this is our fourth press release in a row? Crazy good things have been happening at REUTS, and today is no exception. Although, this news is just slightly different than the rest.

We’re very excited to announce our newest member of the REUTS family, J.M. Frey (represented by Laurie McLean of Fuse Literary), and her three book deal! Her trilogy begins with THE UNTOLD TALE, an epic meta-fantasy with a non-traditional epic lead character (Think Fred, from Drew Hayes’s novel). Scheduled to release Winter 2015, The Untold Tale is only the beginning . . .

Master Forsyth Turn isn’t a hero. He’s never wanted to be one, either; not since his older brother Kintyre found the Foesmiter and waltzed away from his family, his estate, and his responsibilities to become one–dumping all of his responsibilities on Forsyth. Good thing Forsyth likes bookkeeping and accounts, and all the other minutia of managing a fertile Chipping. Narrated by a likeable ruler, but highly unqualified hero, J.M Frey’s fluid and realistic prose builds a vast new world around the reader, one you’ll have a hard time escaping on your own.

Download the full press release here.

Please make sure you follow, congratulate, and bear hug both J.M. and Laurie! We’re excited to be working with these two fantastic ladies and can’t wait to bring these stories to life.  J.M. can be found on Twitter (@SciFrey), Goodreads, and her website.


About J.M.

Toronto-based J.M Frey (pronounced “fry”) is a science fiction and fantasy author, as well as a fanthropologist and pop culture scholar who appears in podcasts, documentaries, and on television to discuss all things geeky through the lens of academia. Her debut novel TRIPTYCH has been nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards,  won the San Francisco Book Festival award for SF/F, was nominated for a 2011 CBC Bookie, was named one of The Advocate’s Best Overlooked Books of 2011, and garnered both a starred review and a place among the Best Books of 2011 fromPublishers Weekly.


Ashley "A.M." Ruggirello is an INFP author with glorious purple and gray hair, who currently lives in Beer and Cheese Land, Wisconsin with her husband, dog, and cat. When not lost in the fictional world of Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls; PSN: supersmaaashley), she can be found exploring design patterns and typography combinations, manipulating (hacking) website code, or with pen & paper in hand, writing her many YA and Adult novels (see below). She considers herself a designer by nature, a writer at heart, and always wanted to make video game walk-throughs as a child. (She still does. Things don't change that much.) Ashley’s favorite color is chartreuse, and she has an undeniable attraction to moss (not of the Kate variety). Ashley is represented by Mandy Hubbard of Emerald City Literary Agency.