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The Collection Continues to Grow!

Even though oScreen Shot 2014-08-12 at 9.15.16 AMur submissions have been on hiatus, the behind-the-scenes at REUTS has been busier than ever! We’re gearing up for the re-opening of our submission window while continuing to read and add novels to our collection. This one in particular is an exciting one, and a new step in REUTS acquisitions… one of our own has subbed, and accepted a REUTS contract!

But first, to start from the beginning…

You may or may not have seen, but the socially active Summer Wier joined the REUTS marketing team back in May, and since then was recently promoted to Marketing Director. Yes, she’s just that good. Rewind a little more: a couple months back, we had requested to read her full manuscript, because not only is she talented at promoting books (remember: she wasn’t part of the REUTS team yet…), but she’s also a fantastic author.

Ok, now we can fast-forward to the much more exciting news…

Beyond Summer’s promotion to an official REUTS director position, she also joins the REUTS family as an author. Her debut novel, LINK (The Shadow of Light Book One) is joining our collection to be released next Summer! LINK joins the collection as a YA Sci-Fi with romantic elements… think A Wrinkle in Time with a Stargate twist. We follow a young girl—Kira—who, after being pummeled by a falling star, finds herself visiting a mysterious world whenever she falls asleep. Without giving too much away, Kira’s adventures take her on a wild chase to find whether or not her dream world exists, and how to keep from getting trapped in it.

Interested yet? We thought you might be. And now, a little about Summer:

Wier is an MBA toting accountant, undercover writer, and all around jack-of-all-trades.  Link is her debut novel and the first in The Shadow of Light series. She has three short stories appearing in the soon-to-be-released anthology Fairly Twisted Tales For A Horribly Ever After and is working with a co-author on an upcoming web serial, Splinter. When she’s not digging through spreadsheets or playing mom, you can find her reading/writing, cooking, or dreaming of the mountains in Montana.


Ashley "A.M." Ruggirello is an INFP author with glorious purple and gray hair, who currently lives in Beer and Cheese Land, Wisconsin with her husband, dog, and cat. When not lost in the fictional world of Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls; PSN: supersmaaashley), she can be found exploring design patterns and typography combinations, manipulating (hacking) website code, or with pen & paper in hand, writing her many YA and Adult novels (see below). She considers herself a designer by nature, a writer at heart, and always wanted to make video game walk-throughs as a child. (She still does. Things don't change that much.) Ashley’s favorite color is chartreuse, and she has an undeniable attraction to moss (not of the Kate variety). Ashley is represented by Mandy Hubbard of Emerald City Literary Agency.